Welcome to Pingley's Professional Lures - Trapping Supplies

Buying furs
Selling trapping supplies
Medicinal Plants and Herbs Eastern and Central North America; - $21.00
Mushrooms - $24.00
Edible Wild Plants Eastern / Central North America - $21.00
Wildflowers Northeastern and Northcentral North America - $21.00
Rocks and Minerals - $23.00
Animal Tracks - $23.00
Beaver & Otter Trapping - $12.00
Land Sets and Techniques - $12.00
Mink Trapping - $12.00
Beaver 2000 - $12.00
Canine 2000 - $12.00
All About Ginseng in the 21st Century - $12.00
Pingley's Professional Lures Hats - $16.95 each
Decals - $5.95
Gloves - Genuine Deer Skin - Soft and will last.
Women's Sizes: Small - XL
Men's Sizes: Small - 3XL
Unlined - $16.95
Lined - $18.95
K9 Gravy - A different type lure that an old ADC Trapper gave me; works on Bobcat, Coyote and Fox. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Special K9 - A unique blend of K9 Foods that will cause them to lick and chew; attracts Fox, Coyote, and Raccoon. Has to be shaken up as heavier ingredients settle to bottom. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4oz; $85.00/pint
Go4er - Rodent based, all season lure for Coyote and Fox; will also work for Bobcat. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4oz; $85.00/pint
Canine Primer - A unique food-based lure that will cause Coyotes and Fox to dig aggressively. $20.00/qt
Fancy Coyote - A Coyote gland lure that is different than most; developed while doing ADC work.
$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Whistle Blower - A unique curiosity lure; developed while trapping in the Rocky Mountains. Very limited in quantity as the ingredients are hard to get. $15.00/2 oz
Ought 2 B Coyote - Curiosity lure in limited quantity as ingredients are hard to get; developed while doing ADC work .$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Coon Squeezins - A food lure that will hold up in the weather. $20.00/pint
North Branch Rat - A gland lure with a food smell. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
South Branch Rat - A gland lure with a different smell. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Old Buck Tooth - Beaver food lure; will stand up to wet weather. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Beaver Slapper - Castor based Beaver lure; thick and will stand up to wet weather. Art Scott of Ohio always said you slapped him. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Crazy Beaver - Crazy Different lure No castor or beaver smell Totally Curiosity works on castor based lure shy beaver. $15.00/2oz; $25.00/4oz; $85.00/pint
Whistle Blower - A unique curiosity lure. Very limited in quantity as the ingredients are hard to get. Developed while trapping in the Rocky Mountains. $15.00/2oz; $25.00/4oz; $85.00/pint
Satisfaction – Mink gland lure with a twist to make a Mink stop and investigate your set. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz.
Pecks Mink 1 – Ken Peck helped develop this Mink lure. Loaded with mink glands and natural mink attractors. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz
Sly Wiley - A different smelling lure with a unique smell. Canines will go out of the way for this delicacy. It appeals to the taste buds like a treat to a dog. Developed while doing ADC work and watching. Canines go for this smell $15.00/2oz; $25.00/4oz; $85.00/pint
Winter Coon – Late season Raccoon curiosity lure that appeals to Raccoon in January and February. This is not a food type lure.
$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Scotts Coon Call - Scott Davis of Illinois is the one behind this raccoon lure. He catches several hundred raccoons every year. He gave me the formula to make this lure $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Granny Fox - My Mothers Favorite Canine Lure a combination of natural Food ingredients All sales of this lure are donated to The Elnora Morgan Pingley Memorial Education Fund with the National Trappers Association $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz
Beaver Special 1822 - This fine lure will work at all types of sets, tangy and very alluring to all flat tails. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Beaver Castor Supreme -Very Costly special blend of castors different best describes this lure it is in a waterproof base. Dirk Miller developed this lure
$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Sleeper Beaver - Mild uncommon lure that will help take those problem beaver that refuse to work castor based lures $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Bobcat Gland Lure - Loaded with cat gland to spike interest No Skunk Added $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Bobcat Gland Call Lure - Some extra-strong-smelling cat glands with skunk musk added to really reach out and draw cats in from longer distance. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Cat Call - I really believe this is the finest call lure ever developed for the cats. Pleasant and penetrating, really makes them want to rub and work the set. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Perrrfect - A very unusual type of food call lure developed for situations where an individual has trouble stopping cats and working a set Freezing temperatures or below will not affect the calling power of this stretcher filling lure. Do not use if Raccoons are abundant as they will be attracted to this lure $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Rufus - This Bobcat lure is carefully made with known cat calling ingredients, in addition to several very important musk and other cat enticers only known to those of us who have raised Bobcats. One of the musks in this lure was passed onto me by a friend shortly before his untimely death. A must-use for those who know the value of having two lures at choice cat set locations. $15.00/2 oz;
Nor-West Special - This is great year-round scent if used right for Fox and Coyote; also, an excellent Bobcat & Mt Lion lure. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Coyote Gland - This lure contains lots of glands. An excellent lure you will not want to be without. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
High Plains Drifter - Gland based For all Predators. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
K-9 Elixir I - This lure is a curiosity / food lure with a musk added. Works well in dirt holes, trash mound type sets, and flat sets; also, a good warm weather scent that works great on Coyote, Fox, and Bobcat. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
K-9 Elixir II - This is a top-notch musky curiosity lure. It appeals to the predators' appetite. This is my #1 change-up lure. It works well on all types of sets and is an excellent lure to use when making double sets. Good for Coyote, Fox, and Bobcat. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
K-9 Pack - This is a tangy alluring type call lure that really makes Coyote and Fox dig and slobber. It works well on all flat sets and dirt hole sets. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
K-Scent - This is my main go to lure! It is good twelve months a year. It is especially designed for natural type sets (toilet, post, scratches, and markers). Improve your dirt hole sets by adding a small dab to the upper lip or backing. You can also use it to spice up your flat sets. An excellent lure for Coyote and Fox. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Last Step I - This is a rodent based scent, tailor-made for the dirt hole set. It is a very loud, long lasting paste lure for Coyote and Fox. It also works well on dry land Coon sets. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Last Step II - This is unique lure that is simply deadly on Coyote and predators. It is good on all types of sets. This is a deadly scent for the months of November, December and January. Use this lure with confidence on Coyote, Fox, Bobcat, Wolf and Cougar. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Range Call - The main user of this scent is the U.S. Government. I do not recommend this product for inexperienced trappers! Due to the way I have to process this fine scent, it comes out stringy and is hard to handle. It is good on all types of sets for Coyote, Fox and Bobcat. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Maximum Call - This is a long-distance skunk call in a grease type base, for a long and slow release of pure skunk quill. This is an excellent lure for Bobcat and all predators. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Red Desert – Over two years were spent developing this lure with a very different base for all typles of predators, effective from November through February. Works well at dirt holes and flat sets as well as M-44s for Fox and Coyote. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Master Rat – A proven rat lure for use in the fall or the spring, a sweet lure that is deadly on Muskrats – tested from the Midwest to Wyoming.
$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Muskrat Max Call – This lure consists of good rat glands carefully blended with other proven musk for a superior spring rat lure.
$15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Mr Attitude – Several years of field use and a lot of trial and error working Badgers throughout the years in hay meadows and other Badger habitat; this is a TRUE BADGER GLAND LURE that works. Also an excellent change up on Coyotes during the winter and spring calving and lambing months. Limited Quantities. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Old Red - #1 selling Red Fox lure, a proven powerful curiosity scent that appeals to Old Reds’ appetite. Sold across the U.S. with many satisfied customers. For best results, use in dirt holes for flat sets. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Red Fox Gland - Lots of red fox gland and smells that appeal to fox all year long. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Missouri River Coon Bait – Simply put – this bait has accounted for more coon than any other bait in the past 20 years by numerous coon long liners – some who are not known to the general public, who trap the big rivers like the Missouri. This bait has a small quantity of fish base with several of the most productive bait ingredient combinations when mixed and properly aged. Missouri River Coon Bait produces superior coon calling results with high catch numbers per pint used regardless of your trap line conditions. $20.00/pint
Rocky Mountain Sable (Marten Lure) - This lure is carefully compounded and aged for the serious Marten trapper working elevations of 6000 feet and up. Loaded with proven ingredients and one unknown ingredient which result in impressive catches. Put up in an odorless grease type base to withstand the weather. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Marten Lure Supreme - A deadly Marten lure, unlike other lures being used today. When used in conjunction with my Maximum Call, you will be impressed with the visit to catch ratio of this combination. Put up in an odorless grease type base to withstand any type of weather. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Wyoming Predator Bait - A triple meat base which took several years to perfect, field tested in the East and here in the West. When you open the jar - different - best describes this deadly predator bait. $20.00/pint
Yote Special – Meat based with key ingredients added. Dirk Miller took three years to perfect this canine bait. Some of the ingredients are hard to come by. $20.00/pint
K-9 Slime – According to Jerry Braley of Maine, this is a curiosity lure from 30 years ago. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
ADC Agents
Pricing is subject to ingredient cost, availability and may change with out notice
Private Stock – A special cheese M-44 based lure I found to be very effective on the female coyote during denning time. One of my favorite lures from my private stock of specialty lures when working coyotes with M-44s at this time of year.
$25.00/4 oz; .
Last Pull – This powder M-44 lure is for those who prefer to wax the capsule holder of their M-44s. Dip the waxed capsule holder into this powder, deisgned to be used during the warm summer months or as a change-up lure. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz;
Sheep Killer – Developed from some hard to acquire ingredients for live stock predator control on hard to get coyotes. A unique smelling lure for spring to early fall created to appeal to livestock killers. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Tetched – An M-44 lure which was developed for areas where Coyotes have been exposed to heavy lure usage and refuse to pull M-44s. Field tested by individuals working for state or federal wildlife agencies. The results justify the three years of formulating and field testing of this lure. Effective with foothold traps or M-44s. $25.00/4 oz
Afeared – This lure was specifically developed for spring predator work during lambing and calving time. During field tests in South Dakota in 2005, one state trapper reported a spring catch rate of approximately 80 percent bred female Coyotes just prior to denning. This is currently only produced in limited quantities due to the costly three year production time required to make this lure. This is the only lure that will produce more Coyote catches than my Nor-West lure in the spring of the year. $25.00/4 oz
Summer Stampede – Developed for use in the warm summer months, when Coyotes can be tough at best to entice and pull them over to trap locations or M-44s. A very different base material than all other of my lures. $24.00/4 oz
Wyoming Relish – This lure came about from a mistake. It has been tested from the north to the deep south and in the east and west. Eric Marten of Bethel Maine gave his lure its name. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Crazy Beaver – Curiosity lure; very different and unusual smell to catch difficult Beaver. Jerry Pingley came to me with this; he needed it to hold up under extreme weather conditions. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz;
K-9 Slime – According to Jerry Braley of Maine, this is a curiosity lure from 30 years ago. $15.00/2 oz; $25.00/4 oz; $85.00/pint
Bobcat Urine - $9.50/pint; $30.00 1/2 gal; $50.00/1 gal
Coyote Urine - $8.00/pint; $25.00 1/2 gal; $40.00/1 gal
Red Fox Urine - $8.00/pint; $25.00 1/2 gal; $40.00/1 gal
"No Mice-Just Coon" - A dog proof paste bait that comes in a caulking gun tube for easy application. When baiting dog proof traps. A sweet Salmon paste that mice can not carry off and coon can not resist - $10.00
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Coyote - $17.00each; $90.00/6; $148.00/dozen
Fox - $10.00 each; $48.95/6; $89.00/dozen
Mink Female - $4.25 each; $21.95/6; $41.00/dozen
Mink Male - $4.50 each; $23.95/6; $43.00/dozen
Mink X Large - $4.75 each; $24.95/6; $45.00/dozen
Muskrat - $4.75 each; $24.95/6; $49.00/dozen
River Otter Medium - $15.00 each; $85.00/6; $138.00/dozen
River Otter Large - $17.00each; $90.00/6; $148.00/dozen
Raccoon 7" - $9.50 each; $51.00/6; $89.00/dozen
Raccoon 8" - $10.0 each; $53.95/6; $96.00/dozen
When ordering Stretchers and wedges call for shipping costs as they are oversized and expensive to ship
Mink - $0.75 each; $4.50 / 6; $8.50 / dozen
Raccoon / Fox - $0.85 each; $4.85 / 6; $9.00 / dozen
Coyote / Otter - $0.90 each; $5.10 / 6; $9.60 / dozen
When ordering Stretchers and wedges call for shipping costs as they are oversized and expensive to ship
Reg Log Wood - $4.95 / 1 lb.
Black Log Wood - $11.95 / 1 lb.
Trap Wax - $4.50 / 1 lb.; $21.00 / 5 lb.; $39.00 / 10 lb.
Flake Wax - $31.95 / 10 lb.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Fur Combs - $11.95
Fur Brushes - $6.95
Push Pins, Aluminum Head - $10.95 / 100
Hardwood Fleshing Beams 6"x 48" - $39.95; 8" x 48" - $44.95
When ordering Fleshing Beams Please call for shipping costs as they are oversized and expensive to ship
Red Fleshing Apron (The longest lasting and best I have found) - $10.95
Heavy Duty - $6.95 / dozen; $49.00 / 100
With 15" Cable - $14.00 / dozen
Disposable Stake Drivers - $6.00
Necker Fleshing Knife 600 (Top Seller) - $68.95
Pro Fleshing Knife 12" Single Edge - $19.95
Tail Strippers Plastic - $2.75
Tail Stripper Cast Aluminum - $8.95
Tail Zippers - $3.95
EZ-Set Cage Traps
582 Reading Road
East Earl, PA 17519
(717) 445-0746
Durable and Reliable Cage Traps…
Ez-Set Cage.com For more information
Designed for trappers who care about effectiveness and durability, EZ-Set Cage Traps are quality-made with a heavy duty, 5/16″th steel rod frame. They feature heavy expanded metal, back doors, trip doors, and trap pan with heavy 12-gauge wire netting around the rod frame, fastened with heavy rings…all of which creates a tougher trap.
All Traps come with a FIVE-Year Warranty, based on normal usage.
The Standard Trap (12” X 12” X 36”) serves very well for racoons, skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, and the occasional cat. Available in uncoated ($160) and coated ($175).
The Large Trap (14” X 22” x 48”) is designed for bobcats and larger similar animals, including big raccoons in the western areas. Available in uncoated only ($275).
Uncoated Material (Both Trap Sizes) Coated Material (Standard Size Only)
Ordering Information
12x12x36–With Swing Door Uncoated $160.00
12x12x36- With Slide Door Uncoated $180.00
Add $15.00 For Coated
14x22x48 With Swing Door Uncoated only $275.00
Contact for Shipping Prices Large bulky item shipping will vary depending on location
Shop 304-641-7908
Regular Metal Sifters - $9.95
2" Regular- $11.95
2" D Handle $13.95
3" Regular- $11.95
3" D Handle -$13.95
Sod Buster Hammer 3# - $23.95
Due to high cost of inventory and limited space, I do not keep traps on hand - Order only. All types of traps, snares & parts are available.
Contact The Shop for what you need
Tanning Solution Made By Advance Tanning Solutions in Colorado
Nu-Tan Comes With easy to follow instructions A Quart will do a large Bear 5-6 Fox or 2-3 Deer Hides For More Information Contact the shop
Quart $24.50
Gallon $66.50
Click the link to above order top quality Freeze dried food and meals for Backpacking, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Survival, or Trapping trips
I was born and raised in Jacksonburg, WV. I began trapping at the age of 12, inspired by the stories of Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. This came in handy when we found that a fox was getting into the chicken coop. Trapping has been a passion for me since the beginning.
I have 40+ years of experience trapping Coyotes, Beaver, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Muskrat, Mink, Pine Marten, River Otter, Bobcat, Nutria and Raccoon in 11 states - Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, North Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas and Virginia. I was employed from fall of 1997 to August 2007 with USDA Wildlife Service in West Virginia resolving Coyote depredation in livestock, Wildlife disease threats, and working on the Raccoon rabies program. I’ve done damage control trapping in Arkansas, Colorado, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming.
I operate Duke & Jack Predator Control and John Pingley Farms which I started in 2007. After a life changing automobile accident in August 2011, with the blessing of the good lord, John Pingley Botanical and Furs was started in 2014, dealing in legal Medicinal Plants, Herbs and Furs. I have developed and used my own brand of lures for years (Duke & Jack Predator Control Lures). In 2013, Neil Olson, who is a great friend, suggested I expand the marketing of my lures. I began selling them to the public for the first time at the New England Trappers Weekend in 2014. I now attend every year.
I am a lifetime member of the NRA and WVTA (Past President). I am also a member of the FTA, NTA, WV Farm Bureau and WV Cattleman’s Association.
I thank Dirk Miller for years of excellent products and service. Dirk’s lures have fascinated me for years. Dirk gifted me a great honor to take over High Plains Professional Lures. I have some big shoes to fill.
I am a well-known polite man who believes in providing only high-quality products and service.
I am looking forward to serving everyone.
John Pingley
Elnora had a great love for the outdoors. Her outdoor activities included farming, raising a large vegetable garden from which she did home canning, flower gardening, hunting, fishing, trapping, primitive camping, and digging ginseng, goldenseal and other roots. She lived off the land and usually only went to the grocery store once a month for the bare necessities.
She started hunting, trapping and fishing in West Virginia when she was in her early 50’s with her sons, John, Jerry and Perry. Along with the enjoyment, she did this so she could spend time with them. Later on, she hunted, fished and trapped with her grandsons, William, Eric and Casey. When she and her sons started trapping, she always helped put up the fur. She would make sure all the holes were sewed and the fur cleaned to look its best when selling it. She always wanted to know why some furs did not grade as well as others. No matter what grade of fur, she always made it look good.
In 1990, she started trapping in Colorado and Wyoming, where she trapped Red Fox, Raccoons, Beavers, Coyotes, Martens, Bobcats, Muskrats and Minks. In Wyoming, she trapped a Silver Fox and in Colorado, she trapped her first Bobcat, which she had mounted. She was always ready to go west in late September for the start of trapping season.
Elnora attended both national and state trapping conventions. She camped at trapping conventions where she cooked breakfast and supper for family and sometimes as many as 30 friends. She always made sure there was enough fresh caught trout for one evening’s meal.
She also attended Neil Olson’s trapping conventions in Hughesville, Pennsylvania and the New England Trappers Weekend in Bethel, Maine. (Neil has a picture in his fur shed of Ma Pingley from the first year she attended). She enjoyed the seminars and talking about trapping with fellow trappers. She bought the first two bottles of Beaver lure that Charlie Dobbins sold. She asked, “Does this work?” Charlie told her it did for him. That was the beginning of a great friendship. At the conventions, she could be found sitting at Charlie’s booth, talking about trapping.
Elnora was a member of the WVTA and NTA. She was very supportive of issues concerning hunting, trapping and farming because it was her way of life. She was always making phone calls and writing letters to legislators to support trapping laws.
Elnora Pingley Educational Memorial Fund
Furbearers Unlimited Inc
429 H Street
Bedford, Indiana 47421
All proceeds will be used for educational supplies and programs to support furbearer and trapper education.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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